Feng Shui 101 – Part 1 In an effort to fully understand and appreciate what’s important to our buyers and sellers, we have…
Feng Shui 101

Feng Shui 101 – Part 1 In an effort to fully understand and appreciate what’s important to our buyers and sellers, we have…
Buying a home? Don’t forget to do your school homework If you’re thinking of buying a home, then you have probably made a…
I was reading the following article – http://goo.gl/W9Lu97 – “Brokers concerned about real estate offers made with no conditions” published in the Globe…
You’ve seen it on the news – Toronto buyers lining up to place offers on properties that end up selling well above their…
Kitchener Waterloo Loves to Buy During Spring and Summer Months Not surprisingly, most people looking to buy a home in the Kitchener Waterloo Region…
There’s no escaping it– the lights have been strung, the malls are becoming hectic and the festive songs fill the air – on repeat….
[spb_single_image image=”2091″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” intro_animation=”none” full_width=”no” lightbox=”no” link_target=”_self” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [fullwidth_text alt_background=”none” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] If you want to sell your Kitchener…